Friday, 2 July 2010

Kelly: Stopping Smoking When Pregnant and Banning Smoking in Her Home

Kelly – 21 weeks pregnant on:
Stopping smoking when pregnant and banning smoking in her home.

Kelly: “Like, with my first son I stopped smoking. I was a real heavy smoker, like it was 100 a week. Yeah, and I stopped cold turkey when I got pregnant… and then I started again but not as bad; just one every now and again cause I don’t like to smoke... I don’t think you should smoke around your kids, and I don’t have people smoke in my house. So I just go outside, so it kind of stopped me smoking, and then obviously now I’m pregnant again I don’t smoke at all.”

Midwife Hull replied: "Well done Kelly you sound very determined to stop and you did it the hard way – alone!
I would recommend quitting with help from the smoke free team. We know you are 4 times more likely to stop with help than on your own. They can give face to face advice not only to you but to family members as well at a venue and time to suit you. They can also give advice on nicotine replacement treatments. Why don’t you give them a ring? 0800 915 59 59 or text QUIT to 81800."

You can contact Midwife Hull confidentially on facebook at

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